I have completed Intialization/Point Cloud/DSM processing steps for Micasense imagery (5 bands) and generated an ortho. However, almost all of the images contain our drone’s shadow, resulting in a speckling of drone shadows across the stitched mosaic. I want to set a mask to remove the drone in each of the images. In following the steps outlined at https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202560549-How-to-Annotate-Images-in-the-rayCloud I receive a Pix4D error when selecting the annotation tool. Is it not possible to mask/annotate Micasense imagery? Is this a bug?
I am new to Pix4D but suspect the annotation tool works well for RGB imagery and can use the results of RGB annotation to craft a solution for Micasense data. I am wondering if I can use the files generated through the mask process (https://community.pix4d.com/t/8276-Image-Annotation-Removal) from a set of RGB images. I would then use these files as a basis to learn how to create segmentation/mask files by hand (for Micasense images). Anyone try this?
Thank you!