Ground points put into Terrain Filter classification

Is there a way to import ground points into the Terrain classification as ground so that when you run the terrain filter it uses it to help remove vegetation, vehicles etc. We always run a grid over grassy areas, but this would really improve the ground model before making the Grid of points. In other words to help remove the vegetation.


Hello Dan,

My name is Spachos from the Technical Support team at Pix4D. Have you tried the following workflow?

In your PIX4Dsurvey project:

  • click on File>Import
  • Import the GCP file
  • Select the correct CRS and import format
  • A new layer will be created with all the GCPs
  • Click on the settings symbol of this layer and enable the Terrain layer toggle
  • Run the Terrain filter afterward.

Please take a look at the following image:

I hope this helps you.

Best regards,
Anastasis Spachos