Does anyone know what to do about this warning. It is cryptic at best and does not lend itself to further research or corrective action. The error occurs during “rematch and optimize”.
[Warning]: Geotags seem to be wrong: 1.09318e+008 1.53728e+007
Does anyone know what to do about this warning. It is cryptic at best and does not lend itself to further research or corrective action. The error occurs during “rematch and optimize”.
[Warning]: Geotags seem to be wrong: 1.09318e+008 1.53728e+007
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your interest in Pix4D software solutions.
The message “[Warning]: Geotags seem to be wrong: 1.09318e+008 1.53728e+007” is simply a warning and not an Error. The quality of geotag information can vary depending on the quality of the GPS/and or environment in which a project is captured. Pix4D can process images without any geotag information based simply on the pixel content of the images. The warning you are getting is simply a message from the software that the data for the Geotags may not be quality (i.e. wrong). You can remove/clear existing Geotags using the Image Properties Editor, and this may improve the processing speed by no longer needing to consider the inaccurate Geotags which may be introducing more error into the processing.
Best Wishes,