from ndvi maps to the tractor ... how do you do it? is there a way?

Hello everyone, I apologize for the question that may seem trivial. I would need some information, I am introducing myself to NDVI analyzes: once I have acquired the multispectral images, and I have generated the NDVI maps … how can I tell my tractor to water only the areas it needs? if my watering device has gps, can I export some map, data file from pix4d so that my watering device is activated automatically where needed without the operator having to visually consult the maps created? google translator since my english is quite … poor.
Thank’s to all for any help!

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Hello Mario,

I hope you are doing great, and no worries about the questions; that is why we are a community to help each other. I would recommend using our Pix4Dfields software for this particular case.

From the software side, these would be the steps to follow:

Hope this helps.

Hi Mario,

this is possibly if you tractor terminal and watering device allow site-specific application via shapefiles. What kind of terminal and watering device do you use?

You could create a zonation map and assign 0 to all zones you don’t want to water and 1 or the rate to zones you want to water. But it depends on you tractor terminal what format you need.

If the zonation is not detailed enough for you, for example you want to water all plants with an NDVI under 0.6. You could calculate the index map in Pix4dfields export it and continue with the map creation in QGIS a free open Source GIS tool.

Please let us know if you have further questions.

Thank you all. For now I don’t have any devices yet. I’m starting to investigate the problem using your NDVI photo set. Good news about the shape file method !!! But, as I understand how the work evolves, questions will arise. For now, thank you for the support !!

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Our pleasure Mario.

Have a good day.

ciao! :wink:

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When we will can to export in ISO-XML files? The new terminals only works with ISO-XMl, not shape.

Hi agrogigant,

what kind of terminal do you have ?

Bi, Julius. I have Novariant terminal.

Unfortunatly I dont know this terminal. From what I know with JD and Mueller Terminals they can also read shapefiles with no problem.

You need to find a SHP to IsoXML converter, I only know one from Müller but it needs a license. We will not have IsoXML support in the near future as its a complex standard to implement.

Kverneland (Vicon) IsoMatch Tellus requires iso XML, so I would like it to be supported if possible.

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ISO XML will be supported in our next PIX4Dfields version, 2.5.

Stay tunned :wink:
