Espelho de água

Saudações caros colegas.

Gostaria de trocar ideias sobre aerolevantamentos em áreas que possuem superfícies alagadas, chamados espelhos de água.

Qual seria a melhor maneira de editar a nuvem de pontos?

Criar uma superfície ou apagar os pontos distorcidos?

Aguardo comentário.

Desde já muito obrigado.

You could delete the points or create a processing area that eliminates the water regions…I think either way would work and I prefer using a Processing Area in every project to avoid manual editing later.

Obrigado Jordan, todavia eu só posso criar 1 área de processamento e neste caso eu tenho vários espelhos de água em um mesmo projeto, portanto acredito não se possível adotar esta técnica.

What are the outputs you would like to create? e.g. a Digital Surface Model (DSM), an Orthomosaic, 3D textured mesh,…

For example, if the main output is the DSM, you could add a surface in these areas and check “Use for DSM and Triangle Mesh”, similarly to what is done here: 

The problem with these water surfaces, is that there are no calibrated cameras over it, so the software will not be able to project the content of the images on these areas to create an orthomosaic, i.e. there will probably be a hole in the orthomosaic in these areas. 

As for areas that contain water, something that can help is to increase the overlap during the image acquisition. More about that here: and

If you just want to remove the points, the point cloud editing tool should help: 

Let us know how it went :slight_smile: