Disable images for othomosaic processing

Hi there,

I have a project consisting of nadir recordings, oblique recordings, cross-flights and flights at different altitudes. All of these flights were combined for processing to create the best possible dense cloud (also an orthomosaic as additional output). In addition, I can say that it is an area that is mainly characterized by plant growth - grasses, bushes, shrubs, trees.

I only want to use selected nadir photos for the subsequent orthophoto generation. It seems as if I can disable the remaining photos via the image properties editor, but without this having any influence on the ortho photo creation. So it looks like disabling some photos before running step 3 has no effect on the orthophoto. Is there a working way to explicitly deactivate images only for the 3rd calculation step?

Could it possibly help to use the DSM filter for smoothing during orthophoto generation? Because I have the impression that the oblique shots reduce the quality of the orthomosaics - it looks a bit blurry, in contrast to the individual photos.
So far I have mostly left the DSM unsaluted (sharp) in order to preserve building edges or similar precisely if possible.

Thanks in advance

Hello, You can’t disable images to get the modified results for step 3 only. DSM filter is only used for generating the DSM.