City photometery

Hello @khalidelejla,

I would suggest you to use 80% image overlap rather than 90% because it will increase your processing time. The processing time is very important as it will be a large project. If you want to have a higher overlap, 85% should be great.

The flight height depends upon the GSD(Ground Sampling Distance), so you should choose accordingly.
Regarding the camera angle, if you need a better 3D model, it is important to use the oblique angle. So, my suggestion would be 75-85 degrees.

Apart from the above suggestion, I would suggest you to process the data using Pix4Dmatic software. Pix4Dmatic is more suitable for the larger project. For more information visit the link below.

If you are able to finish your project before the 16th of November 16, you can take part in our community challenge using the Pix4Dmatic software. For more information, visit the link below.