The conversion of decimal feet to feet and inches is a workflow pain for us since we use feet and inches for everything else in our workflow.
I think that it is important to have this flexibility as Pix4d evolves(d) from a purely surveying tool to a reality capture package.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
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Hi Cesar,
Thanks for sharing your feedback here, this will enable other users to comment and upvote which will help us have an overview of this request. Meanwhile, I have passed your query as suggestion to the product management team.
Have a good day,
Ina, in addition how come you guys have no implemented a standard “PAN” command the will pan the view and move you across the model.
Hi Cesar,
There is a Pan command:Â Left click and move the mouse.
For more information:Â How to navigate in the 3D View in the rayCloud and the Volumes View
I hope it helps
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