Bulk download of all projects in Pix4D cloud?


Is there any way to download all our data outputs from pix4d Cloud?
We have a few hundred projects in the pix4d cloud that we were using when the cloud offering was still part of the general subscription. Now that this is no longer a feature in our subscription we would like to download all our data. Is there a way to do this without having to download every project by hand?


Hi Tim,

Welcome to Pix4D Community.

I am afraid that it isn’t possible to download all the projects at the same time.

I also would like to mention that after the license expires, all projects created on PIX4Dcloud with the associated Pix4D account are deleted based on the PIX4Dcloud storage expiration policy.
For more information about our expiration policy, please refer to the following article: PIX4Dcloud storage expiration policy

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have more questions or concerns.

Have a nice day,

Best regards