OK Pix4D people, the results are in!
I ran some comparison tests between:
Amazon EC2 g2.8xlarge instance (a dual Xeon machine with 4 Nvidia GRID K520 GPUs attached). Windows Server 2016/60GB RAM.
Local HPZ840 Workstation with dual Xeon and a Quadro K5200/128MB RAM
Test dataset:
198 images approx 8meg each from a Sensefly SODA camera. Area: 84 hectares. PPK data already georeferenced. Template: 3D maps without google outputs and without point cloud classification.
Stage 1:
Amazon: 43 mins; Local: 31 Mins
Point Cloud:
Amazon: 16 mins; Local: 18 mins
3D Mesh:
Amazon: 21 mins; Local: 20 mins
Amazon: 11 mins; Local: 17 mins
Amazon: 23 mins; Local: 24 mins
Amazon: 40 mins. Local: 26 mins
I will now swap out the Quadro K5200 and use a Geforce TITAN (PASCAL). I will attempt to use teh same 3D Game App Development config as with the Quadro in Nvidia Control Panel. NOTE: GeForce Control Panel doesn’t have the preset modes as per Quadro.