

I processed a project with GCPs. Afterwards, the quality reports shows a deviation of 0,06 m for GCP1.

However, when I export the DSM to a GIS environment, the difference between the height of the GCP on the DSM and the GCP itself is much more than 0,06 m. How can this be explained? The accuracy of the project is in that case much lower?

Kind r.

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Hi Lander, 

Typically, the difference should not be significant when importing the results into third-party software and we would need some additional information in order to better understand the issue:

  • Is the offset systematic for all of the GCPs or only for one?
  • How big is the offset in the third-party software?
  • Is the same vertical coordinate system defined in Pix4D and the third-party software?

Could you also attach some screenshots that depict the offset?


I am wondering this issue too.

Thank You!