Pix4Dsurvey, Pix4Dmatic, Pix4Dinspect, and Pix4Dscan will contribute to revolutionizing the way professional customers operate and deliver their services. Meet the next generation of photogrammetry and analytics software.
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Pix4Dsurvey, Pix4Dmatic, Pix4Dinspect, and Pix4Dscan will contribute to revolutionizing the way professional customers operate and deliver their services. Meet the next generation of photogrammetry and analytics software.
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was wondering, are these gonna replace Pix4dmapper sooner or later or you’ll always need mapper first, then need those, for specific features that are not on mapper ? I’m a bit lost, the main software is clustering a lot since the beginning
Are there any interaction between licences ? like mapper licence usable on an other software ?
Thanks and have a nice day.
Take Care.
Thank you for your interest in our new products.
All the news products are stand alone software.
Pix4Dmatic is a photogrammetric processing software that does not replace Pix4Dmapper.
Pix4Dmapper is still a great solution for a wide range of applications, from traditional surveying, to thermal mapping, accident reconstruction or even for the ability to use custom cameras and rigs. However, Pix4Dmapper is not optimized for projects larger than 2,000 images, and working with large projects sometimes requires cumbersome workflows.
Pix4Dmatic has been optimized to handle large datasets with ease, smoothing tricky workflows while maintaining the same accuracy standards of Pix4Dmapper. Pix4Dmatic caters to users who are working with larger datasets.
Pix4Dsurvey bridges the gap between photogrammetry and CAD. It does so by providing access to the original images and the point cloud through Pix4D’s rayCloud™ to vectorize and extract points, polylines, polygons and catenaries for a shorter time to delivery.
Pix4Dscan is a professional drone flight app created for capturing optimal inspection data.
It comes with built-in flight plans for mapping vertical or horizontal structures. It also includes an adaptable, semi-automatic flight mission specifically designed for inspecting cell towers.
Pix4Dispect is a cloud-based software generating 2D maps and 3D models and offering visual inspection and asset management capabilities for professionals in the infrastructure sector. It includes new artificial intelligence-based capabilities to detect potential failures in infrastructure, along with specific tower inspection tools.
For more information and a trial request, please contact our sales team.
Hey there
Thanks a lot for the answer I was looking for. Will see further if I’ll need some on the specific features from the other software.
Bye and thanks again.
Hi, when will the Pix4dmatic be available… I have a large project… Over 45000 photos. Would like to demo your software
Thank you for your interest in trying our software. Pix4Dmatic is currently in Beta testing and the official release will be announced soon. Add your email address here to get all the updates about the software and the release date.
You can try it out now: https://www.pix4d.com/product/pix4dmatic-large-scale-photogrammetry-software