Hi. I’m experimenting Pix4D demo for mapping and pile measurement purposes. I use a DJI M2P with a rolling shutter and I have questions about the way to manage rolling shutter compensation.
Q1 : I did a test flight in Pix4D Capture safe mode. I normaly don’t have any rolling shutter effect in this mode as the drone stops for each photo, but when trying to activate compensation (for test purpose), I did see correction applied, camera speed detection, and I don’t understand why (see image below). Did Pix4D estimated the drone’s speed with time and position and did a big mistake by ignoring that the drone stoped at each photo?
Q2 : Will I get same quality in safe mode / no RS compensation and high speed with RS compensation? I wonder if I’d rather fly safe with lower overlaps or fast with RS compensation and higher overlaps. In other words, is RS compensation almost as accurate as using a global shutter camera?
Thanks for your advises.