Program Doesn't Open

Hi @Daniele_Lecci,
Thank you very much for the response. If I uninstall, the license won’t be affected, right? Or do I not to deactivate the license before uninstalling? Moreover, in the laptop where Pix4D Mapper, there are 4 users who use, so uninstalling can only be done by the administrator or any of the users?

Best regards,

Correct, it won’t be affected.

You just need to log in again with your credentials holding the license. The license is not stored on your device but on our servers. Once you log in, the license is detected, and you can use PIX4Dmapper.

If there are many users, it would be ideal to let an admin uninstall and reinstall for every user.

Let me know how it goes.

I uninstalled and then reinstallled the program, but now it says that there is some problem with the license. I have attached the screenshot. Can you please help me. Also, how can the administrator install the program for other users

this is because you logged in on another device. Make sure you log out.

I did it for you

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Hi @saurabh.shukla

Also, make sure that you are using PIX4Dmapper version 4.8.4 (or below).

As your Support and Upgrade (S&U) has expired, you can’t use the most recent version.

Let me know if this works.

Hi @Daniele_Lecci ,
Yes that was the problem. I did, and installed for all the users now. Thank you very much.
Is it possible to upgrade this license for Pix4D Fields instead of Pix4D mapper?

Hi @saurabh.shukla ,

Thank you for your reply. I’m happy to hear that this solved the issue.

Regarding the license switch to PIX4Dfields, please contact your reseller or directly the Pix4D sales team here: