Phantom 4 pro PPK

Hello, I was thinking to update my drone and install a ppk.

Questions that I have .

  1. Which company you will choose topodrone or teokit. eu? Seems their systems to be the same.

  2. I was thinking to set up my base station (spectra sp80) and take raw data at 1sec. But in the office, I must spend too much time for post-processing? Does in the end worth the extra office time in order not to spread GCp in the field?

  3. Their systems (ppk) is as accurate as they said?

  4. Flight time will be affected?

  5. Is it worth the phantom rtk version at the end?

Waiting for your thoughts!

Hi Georgios,
It is difficult for us to recommend what system you should go with. It is also difficult for us to comment on the flight characteristics of the drone once you install a PPK receiver. Perhaps someone from the community can chime in. But we can comment on the processing and outputs.

  1. We recommend always using GCPs in your workflow. This is the only independent means of verifying the quality of your processing outputs. Even if you only use checkpoints this can be very important. However, using both RTK/PPK drones with GCPs will keep the quality of your outputs as high as possible.