Parallel black lines on my thermal reflectance map

Dear Support,

I am mainly working with multiSPEC 4c and thermoMAP cameras. I have created a reflectance map of my thermal imagery but unfortunately, I have these black lines all over the map. I guess it’s a problem with the temperature calibration. We have captured more than 6000 images. Many of them were ignored by the software but still, not all of the images were processed. Where do you think the problem is? How can we improve the quality of the thermal mapping and processing? Do you think it’s worth it converting the images into 8bit? Thanks.

Best Regards,

Paulina Raeva


Hi Paulina,


The uncalibrated image is expected behavior. The ThermoMap camera takes a lot of pictures, and then many of them are discarded since they are not needed (this only applies to this particular camera/drone). 

Regarding the darker strips on your emittance map, since they are so regular to the flight plan, it could be that the effect it is present in the imagery itself which it would be a problem with the camera itself and not the processing.


To better understand could you share with me the following:

* The quality report (.pdf format): …\project_name\1_initial\report\project_name_report.pdf

* The project log file (text file): …\project_name\project_name.log

* Project file (.p4d): …\project_name.p4d.

* One or several screenshots of the 3D rayCloud view.


You could share these files via WeTransfer or an open Google Drive folder.


Thank you,


Hello Ina,

Unfortunately, I am having problems with displaying the rayCloud - graphic card issue. Anyway, I am sending a link to my Google Drive:

Thanks. Best Regards,

Paulina Raeva


Hi Paulina,

I could see that you have opted for_  Accurate Geolocation and Orientation _ which should be used only if you have very accurate image geolocation and orientation. Is this the case for you?

Could you upload your project to cloud since you cannot access the RayCloud? To do so follow the instructions that aregiven.



Hello Ina,

I am uploading the project but will I be able to see it when I don’t know the credentials?

I used Accurate Geolocation and Orientation because otherwise, I had big blacks in my project and images could not be oriented (see attached).

Hi Paulina,


I am not sure I understand to which credentials do you refer.


If you think about the cloud one, then this would be the same credentials you re using to login into the software.




Hello Ina,


I am aware of that but I don’t know the credentials whatsoever. The license is not under my name. I work in a laboratory. Is it so crucial to take a screenshot of the rayCloud?


Thank you,


Hi Paulina,


I can see that from one processing job to the other the darker lines changed. Hence, I suspect that the issue is coming from the reconstruction or the images. A screenshot of the RayCloud will help me understand the quality of the point cloud based on which all the other results are generated. However at this moment, the most helpful would be to have the project. 

If you already uploaded it to the cloud all that I need is the email of the license so that I can search for the project in our admin panel.

You can find this by accessing About windows in the software:





If you do not like to make this public you can open a ticket to our support via the request page here. Please include in your request the link to this post.

Hey Paulina,

The darker strips and the brighter spots are infact the sun spots. I had the same problem before many times, there isnt’t much you can do about that. One thing however you could try would be identifying those images and removing from the project.