Negative Altitude Values


Thanks for the reply. I just added some images.


Thank you for uploading the images.

I followed the workflow you mentioned (export - import in Pix4Dmapper) and I got the same error when using your images.

After investigating, we concluded that the issue is in the name of the images:
Original image name, for example, MVL 20200721 circulares (1).jpg has spaces and parenthesis () in the names.

After removing the spaces and parenthesis (), the import worked as expected: MVL20200721circulares1.jpg

We recommend renaming the images so they follow the naming convention.


Hi, I am trying to change the altitude in a new project, in the same situation. Trying to change the absolute altitude for the relative altitude, because the mavic pro have the problem with the zero absolute.

I am having the same error that in the previous comments.

I attached an image of the error.

However in this case I just use numbers to name the files of the photos, without symbol and space. I use the natural numbers.
Because I couldn’t find the error I just export the file .txt from pix4d and did not change anything in the file. After that I import the same file from pix4d, where say “From File…”, and pix4d show me the same error.

Could anybody help me?



Could you upload a few images and the text file here?


Blaz, I found the troubble. Thanks.
The problem was that al the images had been left with a space in the name.

Now I’m goint to process a new project using the relativa altitude instead of the absolute alitutde, because using the absolute, the software made the objects triplicated at diferent height.


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Great! I am glad it works now.
