Infinite processing

I am using PIX4dfields to process multispectral data. It happens that during the import process, it sticks to 30%, never ending. This accours to me in two different imports.

Screenshot 2024-04-12 alle 20.31.23

I’m on OSX Sonoma 14.4.1, PIX4Dfields 2.6.2. A data sample can be downloaded here:

I’m using TIFF images, Accurate processing, Full blending.

Fast processing works well.

Thanks in advance for your help


Hi Roberto,

Is there any reason why you are using full blending? we are investigating and will get back to you.

Hello, I thought that Full blending was always recommended

No, that’s only when you see the honeycomb effect artifact.

Please turn it off.

Done, but still have problems sometimes, even disabling the full blending option


We are investigating the cause of this crash. Is it only happening with this flight only? what do you mean by two different imports?

Please process it on a Windows machine if you have one available.

Let us know. You can always open a direct support ticket at RequestForm

Nope, I’m experiencing the problem on different flights and sadly I do not have a Window machine…

Hi Robert,

Could you check if you have the latest firmware of the M3M installed?
If not, please update it and try processing again.

Please share another dataset to: MacIssue - Google Drive


Yep, I see that the M3M has the latest firmware installed.
I didn’t tried anymore to use the accurate process so I do not have other samples to share with you