DJI Matrice 210 RTK


This along with bridge inspections (particularly on the underside) is why we as well are looking into the M210 RTK. With the amount of money we pay for Pix4D, and how it’s advertised as THE professional solution for aerial mapping, it would be absurd for them to at least not support the M210 natively in Pix4DCapture.

  • Matthew
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We currently operate a senseFly albris and are in the process of purchasing a dji M210.  I would love to see Pix4D Capture adapted to support the M210.


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HI team,


Glad to read the discussion so far, Thank you for all you insightful information Phillips’ comments they have just been what we have been looking to hear with regards to RTK and PPK.


We use a whole fleet of DJI UAV’s from P4P to M600 with X5S and find they are nothing but fantastic units to use and we were looking at moving into the RTK side of things with our mapping. We are not surveyors but with work with surveyors on project and this information is invaluable to us as this is changes my whole perspective on which unit to purchase next.

As I mentioned we have a M600 Pro and I think for us is to continue using it with GCP’s and then upgrading it to RTK as it help with it positioning accuracy and with electromagnetic interference which is a big issue where we are located.

Our maps tend to be on average 8-10 sq km or above and using something like this may help use, in the future we may look at eBee but it is just not in our budget at the moment as for Dave and mapping software we use to use MME but have found DJI GS Pro to and even better app to use along with Pix4D capture all depending on size of area and what you are actually after.


Any word on the integration of the Matrice M200 series?

Our developers have in the current pipeline to integrate the DJI Matrice 200 and 210 (RTK). Actually we are looking for Pix4Dcapture testers. Please let us know if you would be interested and we will send you the testing procedure.

We would be happy to help out Julie!  We have the unit now and we have some mapping jobs in the cue.

Hey , Julie … we have the unit too and curious to do beta testing and present you result with images. Thank you
Pls email


We used Pix4Dcapture with our M200 outfitted with an X4S sensor last week.  Pix4Dcapture recognized the M200, the sensor, and completed the mission.  The only complaint we have is that the UAV seemed to fly very slow, even at higher altitudes.  Processing went well.

Hey Julie,

Sundt would love to join the beta testing effort for the Matrice 210 RTK. Is it possible to add Sundt to the list? We currently have a 210 RTK and would like to use it with Pix 4D Capture.

Thanks Julie!

@Eric, @Dave, @Sanket, @Sundt: we added you to the list of beta testers. 

@Rieth: Thank you for trying it out. Let us know if you have some additional feedback. 


We own a Matrice 210. If you need help for testing Pix4dCapture we’re available.



Will have a Matrice 210 next week to do some testing. Would it be possible to get a beta version of Pix4d to test it out?

Why not just use another image capturing app with the 210?  Also the Matrice 210 RTK is built for inspection not mapping.  You could get pretty much the same results with a Phantom 4 Pro.  The RTK is for position only. PPK is better for differential mapping systems, but will still need supplemental GCPS to get good accuracy.

If you want something that maps well look for a DSLR camera 24+ MP.  Use ground station pro or some other flight planning app.  They all get you the same thing overlapped images in a grid pattern.  

@Massimiliano and @Preliminary Survey are added to the list of beta testers.

I am setting up an m200 with an x4s for use in the near future. Any way I could get put on the list to test Pix4Dcapture with this unit? Thanks

We also have a M200 but with the X5S camera, and currently our only option is GS Pro. We would love to beta test Pix4D, please add us to the list if possible.

@Jason and @Ryan, we added you to the list of beta testers ( :

Hi, we are running a new Matrice 210 RTK and would also like to test the beta if possible!

We are also interested to test, we have M210 and are receiving RTK model next week. Please contact us if you need us to test the system!

How do we go about installing or using the beta? The app does not show the 210 as an option. Thanks.