[Info]: Active GPU [Info]: Device string: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 [Info]: Provider name: Intel Corporation [Info]: ChipType: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family [Info]: Driver version: [Info]: Memory size: 2176843776 bytes [Info]: OpenGL version: 1 [Info]: OpenGL flags: 3 [UI]: Open Project clicked. [Info]: loading project file: C:/Users/User/Desktop/New folder/test_full/test_full/test.p4d [Processing]: ProjectLoading [Info]: Information i0023: Some of the image paths stored in the project test cannot be found. Select a new image directory for the image DJI_0097.JPG. [Info]: Fixing invalid image path: <.> -> ... [Info]: OS Power Save: Disable [Info]: replace camera vector filenames C:/Users/User/Desktop/New folder/test_full/test_full/test/1_initial/project_data/result_cameras_full_1.p4b [Info]: OS Power Save: Enable [Info]: Use the camera model FC1102_4.5_3968x2976 from the database. [Info]: Coordinate systems loaded [Processing]: ProjectLoaded [Info]: Build = 4.4.12 [Info]: OS = Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit [Info]: CPU = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, cpus=1, threads=8 [Info]: Graphics cards info [Device 0] [Info]: Device string: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 [Info]: Provider name: Intel Corporation [Info]: ChipType: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family [Info]: Driver version: [Info]: Memory size: 2176843776 bytes [Info]: OpenGL version: 1 [Info]: OpenGL flags: 3 [Info]: Total RAM = 8GB, available RAM = 1GB [Info]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Info]: Version = <4.4.12> [Info]: Name = [Info]: Workspace = [Info]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Info]: WKT Output = [Info]: WKT GCP = [Info]: WKT IMG = [Info]: Linear unit = [Info]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Info]: Vert.model Output = [Info]: Vert.model GCP = [Info]: Vert.model IMG = [Info]: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: ResultDir = [Info]: ReportDir = [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: Initial processing options [Info]: Processing [Info]: Keypoint extraction [Info]: Keypoint scale strategy = [Info]: Image keypoint scale = <1> [Info]: Descriptor type = <0> [Info]: Matching [Info]: Strategy = [Info]: Advanced = [Info]: Sequential = <2> [Info]: Triangle = [Info]: Distance = <0 absolute> [Info]: MTP = <5> [Info]: Similarity = <1> [Info]: Calibration [Info]: Targeted Number of Keypoints = [Info]: Calibration method = [Info]: Optimizer type = [Info]: Optimize internals = [Info]: Optimize externals = [Info]: Optimize lever-arm = [Info]: Rematch strategy = [Info]: Rematch images = [Info]: Do sky segmentation = [Info]: Output [Info]: Save camera internals and external, AAT, BBA = [Info]: Save undistorted images = [Info]: Generate orthomosaic for report = [Info]: Create thumbnails = [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: Point Cloud options [Info]: Point Cloud Densification [Info]: Image scale = <1/2 (Half image size, Default)> [Info]: Multiscale = [Info]: Point density = [Info]: Minimum number of matches = <3> [Info]: Matching window size = <7x7 pixels> [Info]: Point Cloud Filters [Info]: Use densification area = [Info]: Use annotations = [Info]: Limit camera depth = [Info]: Output [Info]: Save PLY = [Info]: Save XYZ = [Info]: XYZ delimiter = [Info]: Save LAS = [Info]: Save LAZ = [Info]: Merge Tiles into One File = [Info]: Run classification = [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: 3D Textured Mesh options [Info]: Generate 3D textured mesh = [Info]: Resolution = [Info]: Maximum Octree Depth = <12> [Info]: Texture size = <8192x8192> [Info]: Decimation Criteria = [Info]: Maximum number of triangles = <1000000> [Info]: Color Balancing = [Info]: Save PLY = [Info]: Save OBJ = [Info]: OBJ Tiled Texture = [Info]: Save FBX = [Info]: Save DXF = [Info]: Save PDF3D = [Info]: PDF3D Logo = <> [Info]: LOD Export [Info]: Export OSGB = [Info]: Export SLPK = [Info]: Level Count = <4> [Info]: Texture Quality = <0> [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: DSM and Orthomosaic options [Info]: Resolution [cm/pixel] = <0.018111> [Info]: Filters [Info]: Use noise filtering = [Info]: Use surface smoothing = [Info]: Surface smoothing type = [Info]: Raster DSM [Info]: Save DSM TIFF = [Info]: Method = [Info]: DSM TIFF merge tiles = [Info]: GridDSM [Info]: Save grid DSM XYZ = [Info]: XYZ delimiter = [Info]: Save grid DSM LAS = [Info]: Save grid DSM LAZ = [Info]: Grid DSM spacing [cm] = <100> [Info]: Orthomosaic [Info]: Save orthomosaic TIFF = [Info]: Use visibility = [Info]: Use color balancing = [Info]: Save orthomosaic TIFF merge tiles = [Info]: Save orthomosaic TIFF without transparency = [Info]: Save KML = [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: Additional outputs options [Info]: DTM [Info]: Save DTM TIFF = [Info]: DTM TIFF merge tiles = [Info]: Resolution [cm/pixel] = <0.0905551> [Info]: Contour lines [Info]: Save contour SHP = [Info]: Save contour PDF = [Info]: Save contour DXF = [Info]: Contour base (in LinearUnit) = <0> [Info]: Elevation interval (in LinearUnit) = <10> [Info]: Resolution [cm] = <100> [Info]: Minimum line size [points] = <20> [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: Index options [Info]: Resolution [cm/pixel] = <0.018111> [Info]: Downsampling strategy = [Info]: Save reflectance map TIFF = [Info]: Merge Reflectance Tiles = [Info]: Save Index Grid = [Info]: Save Index grid resolution = <200> [Info]: Save Index Range = [Info]: Save Index Range resolution = <400> [Info]: Indices to generate = <[ ]> [Info]: Has Regions = [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Info]: Cuda capable devices = <0> [Info]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Warning]: Warning w0045: Less than 4GB of available RAM was detected. This might be insufficient for processing larger projects. [Info]: Project results: loading ... [Info]: Project: Cameras updated [Info]: Project: Cameras loaded [Info]: Project: Calibrated tracks loaded [Info]: Project: loading done. [Error]: Error e0094: It was not possible to initialize OpenGL. Verify that you have the latest drivers for your graphics card and that you are not using the software from a remote desktop. Detected QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags: 2048