More pictures in a flight direction than the other





As shown in the uploaded image, one of my flight direction takes more pictures than the other, i suppose this shouldn’t be right.  My fights are taking more time than planning due to this. I have notice that this happens in both Horizontal and Vertical flights, taking one of the directions more images than the other (ex: East more than West, South more than North).

  • Mavic pro
  • Android version Pix4dCapture
  • Huawei Y7
  • Kingstom Microsd 16GB HC


Thanks in advance.

Jorge Jimenez

Hi Jorge,

The behavior you are describing has not been reported to us so far.
As a first step, I would suggest you go through all the basic checks and troubleshooting steps as it will solve most of the issues that can be encountered if properly followed.

Also, can you give me more information about the missions:

  • Are you using the Mavic Pro or Mavic 2 Pro?
  • What kind of missions are you planning? Is it happening in all kind of missions?
  • Do you experience this behavior for all the missions you are flying?
  • How many missions do you plan per project? 
  • Has it happened after an update of the application or drone firmware?
  • Any details about the workflow you are doing or that leads to this issue would be relevant for us to troubleshoot?

In a second time I would suggest reinstalling the applications from scratch following the procedure below:


The two procedures below may imply data loss so we recommend to make a backup if there are important data saved. Connect the mobile device and copy the Pix4D folder (Local Storage > Device storage > Pix4D) to your computer.

1. Clear data and clear cache memory of the application

  1. Open the Settings application on the Android device.
  2. Scroll the list and tap Apps, Applications or Manage apps.
  3. (optional) On certain devices like Samsung, tap Application Manager.
  4. Scroll the list to find the application.
  5. From the list, tap Storage.

2. Re-install Ctrl+Plugin and Pix4Dcapture from scratch

  1. Uninstall Pix4Dcapture and Ctrl+Plugin.
  2. Connect the device to a computer and navigate to Local Storage > Device storage > Pix4D.
  3. Delete the content of all folders.
  4. Delete the Pix4D folder.
  5. Re-install the latest version of Pix4Dcapture and Ctrl+Plugin.
  6. (optional) Place the backup content back into the Pix4D folder to restore data.
