Imported GCPs nowhere near site, LA county

Hello and thank you all in advance. I have a project in LA county, and I believe this problem is occurring because the site is near to the border between two coordinate systems.

I’ve attached a short video and report from this project.

Thank you very much

A&E Topo - Lyon - 4 Lots_report.pdf (2.1 MB)

I hope I have not found an instance that is unable to be addressed.

Is there a fix for this?

I checked the quality report but there were no GCPs imported. Take a look at How to add / import GCPs in the Basic GCP/MTP Editor. Make sure the GCPs you import have the correct format: X, Y, Z and there is no mix up between X and Y.
Also, make sure to choose the correct GCPs` coordinate system after importing them (for example if the GCPs CS is NAD 1983 State Plane California zone 5 then pick zone 5 and not 6). If you are not sure about their CS then select “Arbitrary Coordinate System” (use the Basic GCP/MTP Editor to mark them).