Was it ever released?
looks like 10-14-2018, so just a few days before this post.
Unfortunately I know no one who has any hands on with one. I’m a bit sceptical of it!
If you have any real world info, please push it along!
Seems the m210 is working all be it bigger, heavier and outside what I am will to pay for it!. However some local company’s have and use them mostly doing thermal collections.
My DJI commercial dealer said he would send info over this afternoon. I’ll push it along when I get it.
Thank you sir!
My dealer passed also the press release and a few additional details.
price info:
The retail price of a Phantom 4 RTK is €5,700, which includes the drone, remote controller, two intelligent flight batteries, one remote controller intelligent battery, charger hubs for both types of batteries, power adapter and cable, four propeller pairs, and accessories. The retail price of a D-RTK 2 Mobile Station is €3,600. The retail price of a bundle, including Phantom 4 RTK and D-RTK 2 Mobile Station is €7,800.
about $9,000 USD
Thanks Kevin!
Cheaper a bit than M210. Looking over the interwebs, nothing relevant is out yet.
Survey grade base and rover will be hard to beat all things considered.
I’ll wait and see I guess.
Agreed, my huge hope at this point would be able to use our existing Trimble gear and just get the updated P4PRTK.
has long existed
@Kevin Winslow
Sadly, it doesn’t sound like that’s possible right now. Been talking to an enterprise rep. To use your own system or CORS you’ll have to go through Propeller Areo. Not a fan of this method as it may significantly slow my ability to process inages. I’d prefer a thrid party app that allows me to mash the files together locally.
So close!
@David you don’t need Propeller. You have multiple options.
- Use network RTK through NTRIP data stream. All you need is a SIM card in the remote controller and mobile coverage. No base station necessary.
- In places without mobile coverage you can use the DJI base station (on a known point) and hook that up to the remote controller for RTK mode.
- According to our DJI contact, you can even use your own base station for RTK correction, as long as the data is being sent through an NTRIP data stream.
- Use PPK, either by using data from a reference station or from your own base station (not necessarily the DJI base station!). The GNSS observation data (in RINEX format) as well as the trigger times and the lever arm correction is stored on the SDCard of the drone. However, you need to process the data by yourself, i.e. apply lever arm correction, assign trigger times, etc.
Thanks for the reply.
My comment referring to Propeller Aero was for PPK GEOTagging. I know you don’t need Aero Points if you are using CORs or your own base. As I understand things Propeller Area,is the vendor DJI has partnered with for PPK processing to GEO tag the images. Other than software provided by GNSS manufacturers and perhaps RTKLib, I am not aware of a way to merge Rover and Base data to get PPK GEOTags.
If someone does purchase a P4PRTK, if it’s not to much trouble to please post a summery of ROI between the P4PRTK and P4P on a project that was previously collected/processed with times, compared to the same project with airborne RTK solutions.
@Gary the major advantage of RTK is the reduction of gcps, which speeds up the work on site significantly. Spend less time placing gcp and later marking them in Pix4D. For small sites the time saving is negligible but it’s a huge benefit for larger and/or inaccessible areas.
Sorry for the ambiguity :
Ref: this article https://www.pix4d.com/blog/GCP-accuracy-drone-maps?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=social&utm_term=smedia&utm_content=geospatial&utm_campaign=none
This is an excellent article with real numbers, I’m hopping for something similar when the P4PRTK becomes more prolific.
Sorry for the confusion.